While an entrepreneur may build a business, a brand is something that’s created by the customers and their experiences with it. And as customers, we all tend to gravitate towards businesses that understand us and our needs.

I am here to share my own experiences of building brands for small and medium businesses. Breaking down my own methodical, process-driven, customer centric approach developed over the last 20 years that's helped to launch and re-launch hundreds of successful brands.

Also, I often write about what makes other great brands tick.

And translate those insights into practical and actionable takeaways so you can transform your brand into one that has more impact and more customer appeal.

If that sounds like something you would like to learn more about, consider following my Medium profile or subscribing to receive notifications next time I post a new article.

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Ilya Lobanov

Ilya Lobanov

Branding unicorn, strategist, coach for creatives, content creator, product designer, idea generation freak. More at https://wearestudeo.substack.com